Feb 252011

New estimates by eMarketer indicate that while growth continues to rise at Twitter, just 16.4 million US adults, or 9% of the adult Internet population used Twitter at least monthly in 2010.

“Twitter has continued to gain traction but at more moderate levels than we had expected,” Verna said. “Our updated figures put Twitter usage in a clearer perspective than published data showing hundreds of millions of Twitter accounts, or site traffic stats that include visitors who browse public tweets on Twitter.com but don’t actually use the microblogging service.”

I believe it important to note that eMarketer’s forecast represents a downward revision of its prediction made in April 2010.

When compared to Facebook, Twitter looks increasingly like a non-threat. eMarketer foreceasts that 132.5 million US web users will use the site monthly. According to the announcement, “That increase of 13.4% in the number of users means Facebook will reach almost nine in 10 social network users and 57.1% of internet users. By 2013, 62% of web users and almost half (47.6%) of the overall US population will be on Facebook.”
Posted Feb 24 2011, 10:30 AM by Peter A. Prestipino